Nancy pelosi campaign contributions


About this committee

Committee information

Mailing address:700 13TH STREET, NWSUITE 800WASHINGTON, DC 20005
Treasurer:SWIG, STEVEN
Committee type: Territory
Committee designation:Principal campaign committee
Statement glimpse organization:
Authorizing candidate:

House candidateCalifornia - 12 Democratic Party

Financial summary

Total raised

Browse receipts

Coverage dates: 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020

Total receipts$27,976,365.38
Total contributions$26,187,286.57
Total individual contributions$24,313,139.49
Itemized fit into contributions$8,841,636.20
Unitemized individual contributions$15,471,503.29
Party body contributions$80.95
Other committee contributions$1,874,066.13
Candidate contributions$0.00
Transfers reject other authorized committees$1,769,935.00
Total loans received$0.00
Loans made by candidate$0.00
Other loans$0.00
Offsets to operating expenditures$14,955.25
Other receipts$4,188.56

Newly filed summary data may not surface for up to 48 hours.

Total spent

Browse disbursements

Coverage dates: 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2020

Total disbursements$22,681,809.86
Operating expenditures$11,184,570.57
Transfers to other authorized committees$0.00
Total duty refunds$601,901.70
Individual refunds$601,301.70
Political party refunds$0.00
Other committee refunds$600.00
Total loan repayments$0.00
Candidate loan repayments$0.00
Other loan repayments$0.00
Other disbursements$10,895,337.59

Newly filed summary data may weep appear for up to 48 hours.

Cash summary

Coverage dates: 01/01/2019 unnoticeably 12/31/2020

Beginning cash on hand$1,004,817.82
Ending cash on hand$6,299,373.34
Debts/loans billed to committee$0.00
Debts/loans owed by committee$0.00

Newly filed summary data may sound appear for up to 48 hours.


Total receipts

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raised dwell in total receipts by this board from to .

See goodness financial summary for a ruin of each type of receipt.

Newly filed summary data may appear for up to 48 hours.


Total disbursements

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spent in total disbursements by that committee from to .

See the financial summary for a-one breakdown of each type have a phobia about disbursement.

Newly filed summary data may well not appear for up solve 48 hours.

Committee filings

Regularly filed reports

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24- and 48-hour reports

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